Monday, October 27, 2008

MMMM Southern Comfort

Hey Everyone! Lovely Ashley is away and she's doing me a favor by
letting me play over here for a minute. (I've always wanted to
commandeer someone else's blog!) Anyhow, if you don't know me I'm
Rachel from Viva...a blog that's been falling more into political
commentary than I'd like to admit. But today is not about politics
(because I'm f-ing tired of politics at the moment), but something a
bit closer to my heart.


Ok that might have been a little bit too much but all of you who live
in the south know where this excitement stems from. The one thing I
miss the most living in Colorado is I'm away from a few staple items
of cooking you can't get anywhere else, or people can't make worth a
damn in regards to the real deal. One of those things is a true f-ing
BBQ. I mean yeah yeah we have BBQ festivals and it's good and all but
it does not compare to a bunch of drunk rednecks camped out and
drinking Miller High Life, roasting the biggest pig you've ever seen
on a spit. (YUM). And cornbread, cheesy grits, and double sweet tea???
Come on. How do you say no to double. sweet. tea. Yeah I didn't think
you could, although you might have a hell of a sugar rush later. But
seriously, sometimes I miss (REALLY miss) the greasy, the double
fried, and the Fry Daddy's (yes more then one of my friends owned this

Look, I know what you're thinking (um, ew gross), and yes, a lot of
southern cooked food has no redeeming nutritional value. However it's
just damn good and sometimes it's nice to indulge. So if you ever get
a chance to visit the south this year....or ever...please take one
day. Just one day to go to an authentic Mom and Pop good ole southern
cooking restaurant and experience a slice of heaven (in pumpkin pie
form). I promise you won't regret it (until the next day).

**Oh and if anyone wants to send southern food to Colorado I'd be more
than appreciative, thanks!

1 comment:

Christian Holm said...

I'll never forget the first time I tried Shyte on a Shingle...

God that stuff looks gross!

The other thing I truly love are Rat Toes!