Monday, November 24, 2008

Reading and writing

This weekend brought me back to 90s style reading and writing. You know, the kind of reading where you have actual pages to turn and the kind of writing where a pen actually touches paper.

It was amazing.

Don't get me wrong, I love writing to y'all, but the feeling of picking up a pen and going to town, writing down all my thoughts without a filter, it was highly cathartic.

Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but there actually are things that I think and don't say. You can only imagine the types of things I keep to myself.

Anyhow, I also started reading a new book. It's been a while since I picked up a novel for pleasure - most of my reading has been industry related as of late.

What's even better is that I'm reading a trendy book...that's right, I jumped on the Twilight series bandwagon. It took me a while to see what all the fuss was about, but now that I've reached a certain point in the book I'm hooked. I even skipped one of my all time favorite shows last night in lieu of more tales of Edward Cullen.

Jenn's guide was right, this book has the potential to suck the life out of you. But I don't regret it. In fact, I can't wait to finish so I can see the movie on the big screen. At the rate I'm going, I'll be heading to the theatre later this week.

So what about y'all, read any good books lately?




Narm said...

I'm pretty sure I am going to be drug to see the movie soon. It was a compromise - zombie movie for vampire movie - how could I turn that down?

Jessica Donlon said...

Everyone in my office seems to be obsessed with the Twilight series ... to the point where a few colleagues saw the opening show at midnight last Thursday! I feel like I have to read just to see what all the fuss is about. If you like the vampire thing, Anne Rice also has some pretty good ones :)

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i'm reading a book right now i really like. but i can't recall the name of it. guess i don't like it that much huh :/

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you're reading Twilight. I finally picked it up a couple weeks ago just to see what all the fuss on the blogs was about. It really is addicting once you get accustomed to the writing.

Thanks for posting about Jenn's guide. Freaking hilarous!

Allison M. said...

I think I need to read the book to understand what the F everyone is talking about with Twilight. I have no idea, no clue at all.

Just finished Lovely Bones and The Choice. Lovely Bones was much much better.

Britni said...

I love it when I see another person got hooked by Twilight. Not sure what it is, but it's addicting.

Ashley said...

narm - how bad can a vampire movie be, really?

jess - it's a must read. I highly recommend it!

alexa - aw, well if you think of it, send the title my way...I'm always looking for new books to dive into.

cassette45 - agreed, on both accounts.

allison - you should. I was really skeptical but it's a surprising quick read and extremely difficult to put down.

playful - two words, Edward Cullen!