Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cop out post #2

Okay, so I managed to get away with it (pretty) successfully yesterday by linking to cooler, more entertaining blogs for you to check out.

But today, I'm so busy and have so little to say that I'm not even going to do that.

Today, it's a big fat apology for the fact that you don't get to ready anything interesting.


Though I figure if you really wanted to read something interesting you'd read someone else's blog. Just kidding. Please don't abandon me. I promise, I'll be back with another post soon. One that actually says something.

Maybe I'll even talk about the shenanigans that take place at tonight's blogger meetup...




Narm said...

I'm still giggling from yesterday when you said, "Narm had an encounter with himself".

Ashley said... a nutrition label. That's what I'm still giggling about.