They say it takes 21 days for new habits to congeal.
So you're telling me that when I start a new routine with the best of intentions it's going to take 21 days of will power and determination to make it stick?
Now I'm no expert, and for all I know they aren't either, but that seems like a hell of a long time.
Who the F-word are they anyway? And since when can they tell me how long my habits are going to take to form. They don't know me! Unless of course, they read my blog - ha! Who am I kidding!
From experience, when new habits are consciously entered into my life they really begin to set in when I see results - running more means I can eat more, which is a great incentive to keep it up! I'll take any reason I can get to eat. Deep down, there's a fat kid inside of me, just waiting to get out and steal your cookie. I'm sure there are other examples but I don't feel like thinking of them. It's Friday, give a girl a break.
In thinking about it, 21 days is probably an average. Some mathematical calculation that the collective they came up with to sound smart, while in reality they watched people for a few weeks and said "yeah, I'm bored, 21 days is probably about right. We'll say that, people always believe us!"
So tell me dear readers, what are some of your new habits? Have they stuck? How long has it taken for your habits to congeal?
(Editors note: this post is really stupid - probably the worst yet. It should be Photography Friday and I've been slacking so this is what you get. Come back Monday for some crap that's only slightly better.)
when i first got my blackberry i'm like i hate it! i'm never going to figure it out!
but after a few weeks it was like second nature!
that 21 day thing sounds about right.. and my new habits?
eating better & 5 times a day. waking up at 6am to work out and focusing on getting fitter.
alexa - those things scare the crap out of me. I'm not ready to be quite that connected to work...
deutlich - I'm in awe of your determination! 6 a.m. and I do not get alone well - neither does healthy food!
I don't think I've ever been able to stick to something for 21 days unless it was an obligation like work. Everything else is hit and miss with me.
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