Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another Football Post?

Yeah, I know, there are a few of you - or at least one of you - who have probably already quit reading because so many of my thoughts lately have revolved around football. What can I say, this time of the year gets me all nostalgic over my college days and tailgating with the 40,000 other undergrads at my alma mater.

Which is exactly what I got to do this weekend!

Party it up at the tennis courts, student style, with my girls from college and even some friends from high school.
(The crew, minus a few, at the tennis courts - a student tailgate hot spot)

Then I got to watch my Spartans kick some Fighting Irish booty in style, with one of the biggest MSU sports fans known to man, and one of my favorite people in the universe - my dad.

(Not bad seats, eh?)

Let me tell you, it was a fantastic weekend - as you can see.

And I get to do it all over again in two weeks when homecoming rolls around. I'll be home for four days to partake in more tailgating and joyous fall festivities including a trip to my home town cider mill and some much needed photography time - it's bound to be rather beautiful in Michigan that time of the year.

So tell me dear readers, what fall festivities have you enjoyed so far this year? What are you looking forward to most in the remaining months of 2008?

Personally, I'm getting excited for the holidays. But then again, not so excited for the snow and bitter winds. Again with the catch-22 - I'm full of them this week!




Ben said...


It's my new campaign. Watch:


See? It's awesome.

Maxie said...

I'm just looking forward to the fall weather-- college football rocks but the rest of it annoys me. It takes over my TV and I dont like it.

And fall TV rocks too :-) finally all my shows are coming back!

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

what a great time!!!

Ashley said...

ben - it's a catchy campaign name, I'll give you that.

maxie - college football is the best. I'm not big into NFL, though I suppose when you grow up in Michigan and the Lions have sucked as long as you can remember, it's difficult to really get excited.

alexa - it was, though I'm paying for it with a massive sunburn and peeling surely to come.

Peter said...

I long for a world where more female bloggers blog about football.