Oh what I would give to have the weekend back.
This one was one of the best I've had since my return to the Midwest.
Intrigued? I hope so, because I'm going to tell you all about it!
This weekend was one of those rare fall weekends where I stuck around town. Fall is a great time to travel and go back home for tailgating with friends and college football watching with my pops, but it was wonderful to have a lazy couple days to myself for a change. Though it was a fairly active lazy, if I do say so myself.
Friday night was sushi date night - and not with my girlfriends this time. I actually went out on a date.
I know! Stepping out of the comfort zone, ladies and gentlemen.
What's even better...I accepted a second date with him for later this week. I'm just as shocked as you are.
Ultimate laziness ensued on Saturday. Sleeping in, running a couple errands, watching movies alone in my apartment all afternoon, a quick workout and some Saturday night grocery shopping. Yep, I'm that cool.
A late night trip to Target was the most beneficial as I picked up a few pumpkin spice and Glade apple cinnamon scented candles. These things are amazing - the scent fills the entire room (highly recommended)! Now my apartment constantly smells of fall and I love it!. I can't wait for my trip to the cider mill next weekend for some apple cider and pumpkin donuts...mmmmm.....
Sunday included brunch with a long lost girlfriend, a trip to a local national forest with a friend for some hiking and photography, cleaning my apartment top to bottom (I even vacuumed the couch cushions) and finishing the weekend with some yoga.
And now, sitting here at the office preparing for a hectic four day work week, I can't help but look back and wish that I could do it all over again.
A great weekend indeed.
Aside from Alexa, who's weekend was also awesome, and CC who managed to carve out an entire day to herself, anyone do anything exciting this weekend?
I turned my futon into a bed and didn't leave it for longer than 2 hours the entire weekend. I'm working on putting on winter weight and trying that hibernation thing bears are always talking up.
sounds like you had a nice weekend too! i'm so envious that you managed to clean your apartment. seriously mine looks like a tornado went through. haha...probably should've spent my day by myself cleaning instead of spending money....
i can't wait to hear all about your trip to the cider mill. now that makes me REALLY envious. :)
yay for dates!! im not sure what those are anymore - ha
i could go for some sushi right now, i usually hit up the rock once a week and i haven't been there in three! omg.
the more you stick around the cleve the more you'll grow to like it, i promise.
Pumpkin and apple scented candles are the greatest ever. I love Yankee's Autumn Wreath candle - you get a little of both scents! I actually just posted about it recently!
Oooh a date! Tell us more. Seriously, I cannot remember the last time I went on a date. I can barely even remember the last time I SNOGGED someone. I live my romantic life vicariously through others. Help!!! :)
mine was booze-soaked and glutinous...
i consider that a win-win.
Pumpkin spice candles always make me hungry
it looks like so many people had wonderful weather except Boston this weekend...Your weekend was so fun!
I seriously stayed in ALL weekend. I watched DVDs and slept... it was pretty sweet.
narm - if you figure out hibernation, let me know the secret!
cc - well, almost my entire apartment. my bedroom still looks like a tornado went through...baby steps.
alexa - dating is weird, i think that's why i avoided it for so long. And I'm hoping CLE does grow on me...
maris - I'd prefer Yankee candles, but the ones from Target are much cheaper!
paula - I'll be sure to fill you in if it gets anywhere...
ang - you win. I'd love to partake in all that food!!
so@24 - mmm, me too.
transienttravels - have to live up the nice weather while we can, it rains a lot here...
maxie - weekends where you do nothing are awesome!! I'm really good at being lazy when given the chance.
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