I have been fortunate enough to be paired up with the lovely Ashley for the 20SB Blog swap! So I guess that means I have to write something......
You know what, I am going to use this opportunity to beg;
Someone please hire me!!!!
I'm not asking for much, I just need some part time work. I have filled out a million applications, including their stupid psych questions ("Politicians are dishonest; 70% of the time, 50% of the time, 25% of the time? What the %$#@ does that have to do with me working a cash register at Target???).
To be honest, if I was looking at my application I wouldn't hire me either. The problem is the fact that many applications ask how long I worked at a job but not why I left. Example;
From 6/2003-8/2003 I was a mural artist for Great Harvest. When I was done with the painting I was done with the job. But if you don't realize that then you see that I "Left Voluntarily" after working a few months.
From 10/2003-1/2004 I was a bartender, but had to "Leave Voluntarily" when I got pregnant and haven't had a job since. So looking at my applications I tried this whole "working" thing and didn't like it.
Yeah, not looking good for me.
I talked about this with my fellow Chicago blogger bud Free and Flawed. She recommended that I post a "Hire Me!" ad in the Printed Blog. But what would I say?

You could get Dan to pay your way through school again... Start fresh... :D
Prin- when I bring that up he just looks at me with a naughty glint in his eye and mutters something about "earning the money from him" ;)
I've been a stay at home mom and student for almost 11 years. I now have two associate degrees, a Bachelors, and am in Grad School, but can't get a job at a freaking gas station.
Do what I did. Daycare. I get to stay home and play with kids all day, have plenty of time for homework at naptime, don't have to pay daycare for my kids, and make almost as much as hubby, but mine is tax free.=D
Plus I do my scrapbook business which pays for our groceries.
this is cute! i'd totally hire you rachel.
SFreese- I'm not sure what the rules in your state are, but my understanding is that you need some serious insurance to run a daycare out of your home. If you don't have it you can lose everything if the wrong kid bumps their head. I'm glad you found success though! Working with kids keeps you young :)
Alexa- Awesome! I'm looking for $10 an hour ;)
Rachel - thanks for blog swapping, lady. It was fun!
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