Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Delurking time

So, if there is one thing that's changed about my social media habits since my return it's this: I've become a lurker.

I used to pride myself on my ability to not only keep up with so many of your blogs each day, but to thoughtfully comment on them as well.

Y'all felt the love and it showed - the comments flowed in to my posts as well.

And now, I suck. Completely and totally suck.

In attempt to defend myself, it has been difficult catching up on a lost week, but now that my Google Reader is down to (fairly) manageable numbers it's time to start putting myself out there again and add some freaking value.

I know, I know. It's about damn time. But I've changed, it's back to my old ways and you're going to hear from me whether you like it or not.

So what about all you other lurkers out there? I see my daily analytics, there are still readers out there. And with almost 100 unique visitors yesterday I had not a single comment.

Nope, not one.

How about we all put the binoculars down, come out from behind the shadows and make a little noise.

At the very least, tell me why you're here. And I promise to do the same.

Let the delurking begin!




Random Hiccups said...

Lurker here! Sad to say... I sneak on to blogworld and get so wrapped up in enjoying everything that I rarely, if ever, comment.

I know pathetic.

but I am commenting now, which means... I get ten points.

Matt said...

Sometimes I lurk...

but usually if I dont comment its just because I cant think of anything witty to say.

Miss Merry said...

sorry lady, i've been lurking! but i'm still reading so that's good! :)

pj said...

I didn't know we get points for delurking, sweet.

Sydnie said...

I love reading your blog.. you have some great things to say

Maxie said...

I'm a half lurker, half commenter, so I'll say hi either way!

Susan said...

obviously not a lurker- but i find that my stats are higher with less comments too.

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i'm here cause i lurk and don't lurk and i know you in real life so that makes you that much better...

Ashley said...

random hiccups - thanks for showing up! 10 points it is.

matt - you are definitely the least of the lurkers...much appreciated!

miss merry - so glad you're still around, lady!

pj - me either!

sydnie - thanks! as you can tell, I love talking.

maxie - hi.

susan - glad to hear it's not just me.

alexa - it DOES make it that much better!