Friday, April 18, 2008

Creepy geezer

Recently I've been working closely on a project in my office that involves a social media component. Part of the campaign discusses the types of men that women tend to come across and/or get approached by at a bar. One of my favorites was the creepy geezer (think blading, middle aged and above men, wearing their shirts half unbuttoned with chest hair in full view, smelling like teenage boys because they purchased the latest Abercrombie scent, and hitting on all women in sight under the age of 25). Well folks, last night I met the creepy geeser in person - and it was quite disturbing if I do say so myself.

After work my roommate and I decided to take advantage of the recent lovely weather and headed to a baseball game. This game was a double bonus because we got amazing seats for cheap and my team was playing the team I dislike most in the MLB (and we whooped 'em)...but I digress.

Before we took our seats we grabbed a couple of drinks and were watching the game from a great standing spot. There were some other young professionals who had wandered to the game that night and we were chatting them up when we noticed a rather young woman (I'd say not older than 20) drinking a beer next to my roommate. As she was finishing this beer, in comes creepy geezer with another in his hand. She was smiling and flirting her way into free beer from this very creepy man. YIKES!

To make matters worse, after she left (apparently she'd had her fill), he turned his attention on my roommate. This was funny for about 2.5, then I did my friendly duty and interjected. We were both saved shortly there after by another of our friends who escorted us to the amazing seats, and the night only got better from there.

The lesson: when you see creepy geezer approaching, abort immediately. Don't wait around to see the entertainment, because before you know it, he's talking to you.




Anonymous said...

creepy geezer??? come on... i've only been 25 for 5 days, and now this??

Ashley said...

AJT - last I checked you just turned 24. c'mon now!

Anonymous said...

i'm so confused... put me in a home now.