So I recently came across this blog - yes, I know, I'm way behind the times, given that it's already well into the 800s at this point - and in thinking about it, it's really a fabulous idea.
And of course, since I'm genuinely unoriginal, I'm going to write a little list of my own. Though since I'm so far behind, there may be repeats for the above list. My bad. I'm just too lazy to make sure there's no overlap.
And no, it won't be 1,000 things long because, let's be honest here, I just don't have the time to capture all that in one post. And I know y'all don't have the time to read that crap.
So, here's my rendition of 1,000 Awesome Things, that I like to call, The Good Stuff.
- Finding a $20 bill in the pocket of last year's winter coat. You haven't worn it in a year, so that money was long gone in your mind. So really, it's like finding $20 bucks on the street and knowing you don't have to find it's rightful owner. Score!
- Getting packages at the office. I always ship my online orders to the office, mainly because I'm never at the apartment when the leasing office is open to pick them up. Sometimes I forget that I'm expecting a package, so when it's delivered I get a nice little surprise - from myself - to brighten my day.
- Out-of-the-blue @ replies on Twitter. An unexpected Tweet that links to your profile, or better yet, gives props on a blog post is most satisfying. Gotta love a little ego boost.
- Random compliments. Speaking of ego boosts, isn't it great when you get compliments from strangers? I once had an older gentleman stop me in my building just to tell me that I looked beautiful in my outfit. Beautiful?! Compliments have a way of making the whole day a little brighter.
- Waking up and remembering your SO slept over. This is one of my favorite things about midweek sleepovers. You roll over in the middle of the night and see the one person that makes everything better and it puts a smile on your face...even when you know you've gotta get up in two hours and start the day. But at least you get to share a cup of coffee with him on the way out the door!
- When drunk texts fail to send. We've all had those nights. Things got a little crazier than expected and you remember thinking about that asshole that dumped you two weeks ago, so you texted him. Looking in your outbox you see that the network was on your side and the text never made it. Whew!
- Seeing your reflection and actually looking thinner. You know when you're working out a lot, or eating better and the pounds are dropping but you still don't see a difference? Yeah, that seems to happen a lot. But on the day when you wake up and look in the mirror and you can see that you've made progress - good stuff! Especially when that motivates you to try on your skinny jeans and they FIT! W00T, success!
- Receiving work-day text messages. This is something I'm notorious for. But you can't tell me that it's not nice to come back from a long meeting to find an awaiting text message from a good friend.
- Running into an ex who is far worse off than you. Ah, the satisfaction. Maybe he's still living at home, or his girlfriend just dumped him, or he got fat or bald, or he's in debt up to his eyeballs with no job. Whatever the case may be, clearly you are way better off and much happier. Puts a little smile on your face just thinking about it, doesn't it?
- Left over coffee from an office meeting. You know those days when clients or bigwigs visit the office and coffee is ordered by the gallon from Starbucks, there always seems to be some left over for everyone else. Who doesn't love free coffee?
- Milestones. No matter how small, milestones give you a reason to celebrate. Ten days on a diet, alright! Completing your first 5K, way to go! Six months in a solid relationship, awesome! It's the little victories that count.
- Meeting up with old friends and picking up right where you left off. Isn't it great when you finally get back together with the people who used to be your closest friends and it's as if you've never been apart? I love those friendships. It's like you didn't miss a beat.
- When the forecast was wrong and you wake up to the sunshine. Anyone who lives in the North gets what I'm saying here. It was supposed to rain, snow, sleet, fog, whatever, and instead you wake up because the sun is peeking through your vertical blinds just so. The irritation factor quickly disappears as you realize it's beautiful out!
- Learning that it did happen for a reason. Being a believer in the "everything happens for a reason" theory, it's highly rewarding when you get that 'aha' moment and realize that even the things that seemed terrible at the time, happened to make room for something better.
- Having something special to look forward to. It's the dead of winter, you're in a rut, but in 25 days you'll be heading out for a tropic vacation, lounging poolside, drink in hand, not a care in the world. Ah, how lovely that will be, right? It's a good motivator to keep moving, and I'm definitely one for countdowns. Lucky for me, I'm a planner, so I've always got something good on the horizon.
There you have it. Good stuff, right?
Now you tell me, what's missing from this list? What's happened to you recently that's made you stop and say, damn, that was great!?
Popeye's. Because I know what good is.
Just kidding.
Actually, I really like your post! Everything is so true. Kudos.
anna - haha, love it!
alexa - I found out about it from your shared items on Google, so thanks!!
Finding money that you didnt know you had is the best feeling ever.
realizing you don't have to pay a meter because someone left early
God do I love that site. My favorite thing is waking up after an insane night of drinking and having NO hangover.
matt - though I find it doesn't last long...
susan - good one. Score!
narm - those mornings are few and far between, but highly welcome.
"Running into an ex who is far worse off than you."
ben - just makes you smile, doesn't it?
i <3 getting messages from you too. And the $ in random coats. I've surprised myself many a good time :) haha
jennie - for us, it's the random Twitter DM. haha!
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